Barefoot park experience for everyone


We work, we follow a routine, we have responsibilities that can block our chance to experience nature and connect with the Earth.  This connection is essential to keep us grounded.

Your opportunity to reset is coming to the greater Seattle area and experience a new way to disconnect yet reconnect.

The Barefoot Project by Inese Westcott


In 2010 the modern concept of Earthing made its way into the world we live in. The Earth contains a natural electrical charge, much like a battery. When we walk barefoot, this energy is absorbed into our body releasing you from the stresses of life generating a positive response that can carry you to an improved state of mind.  The beneficial evidence is mounting and it’s our time to reconnect with Mother Nature.    

Our vision is to create a 10+ acres of safe sensory rich Barefoot Park for everyone to truly connect with the Earth’s elements.